Saturday, February 28, 2009


It’s been a few weeks I was absent from writing. Yeah… yeah, writer’s blogs, you can say that. Another reason is because it’s the time of a semester when I need to meet each of my students to see how they have learned and how I can help to improve their entire semester. It’s tedious and tiring but it’s fun in some ways, especially in listening to their ideas for speech assignment.

I always admire people’s creativity and I believe every body can do something creatively if only there are others who help them grow. For me, confidence building is the window to support it.

I’ve been always wondering about confidence building. How one get it as if they were born with it, while others really work hard and think that they don’t get it at all. I believe, regardless how smart or not a person is, somehow they can make it as long as they get a support. Believe me… building your confidence is not easy especially if you’re a shy person and feeling you don’t belong to anywhere.

So, listening to each of my students, talking about their feeling either happy or confused during mid semester meeting means something to me. Their red faces when they’re scared or stuttered if they’re not sure what to talk to has always been a clue for a new idea. In the end, when that idea came, it’s my turn to be dumbfounded for not knowing what they know.

I can’t imagine those who’ve taught for years. In the past, teaching maybe a linear process, but in today’s technology, influence came from all direction. It makes me scared thinking to work as a professor, because this might means that your research activity will be a never ending job, not only for a tenure requirement but also to keep up with the students. Well…I should give no more comment because my lack of confidence come again for no reason.

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